

Carol lives with me in our family home.  Her advocate visits us regularly and is a great friend to Carol and me.  She takes her out and they really get on well.  It is good to have some to talk about any issues i have with her support package and for help in maintaining activities in her day



My husband & I are both in our seventies and fully aware that we have less energy than we used to have to fight Lisa’s battles and give her as good a life as possible.   Her klasp advocate visits her regularly and works with us to iron out any problems.  It is very reassuring to know that

Claire’s case study


Claire Claire has a Circle of Support to help ensure that her quality of life is rich and varied. The Circle is made up of; support workers, family members and her KLASP advocate. They meet quarterly to review her needs and aspirations. At one meeting the Circle were assessing the activities that Claire participates in.  It was unanimously agreed

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