Project Description

I am an 83-year-old widower and I have diabetes and prostate cancer. My 52-year-old son and 50-year-old daughter are both seriously disabled with autism and need round the clock support. My son lives in Hampshire and my daughter lives in north London. My only other daughter was also disabled but she died of lymphoma when she was 40.

klasp is immensely important to me and my children. It has helped give me so much peace of mind knowing that there is someone apart from me who can advocate for them, someone who has got to know them well and whom I can trust to put their best interests above everything. A few years ago, my son went through a terrible time when his care home closed down and he was moved into a new placement that just didn’t work.  His behaviour deteriorated and eventually he ended up in an assessment unit. All this was far from my home but our klasp advocate worked incredibly hard to make sure he was properly assessed and to help negotiate a new placement and support arrangements for him. He is now in a really good place, but I don’t even want to think about what might have happened without her input. She continues to visit my children to keep an eye out for them. They enjoy her visits and very importantly, she has managed to arrange for them to see each other even though they live quite far apart. klasp has been a blessing for us.